Hi! I couldn't wait to bring you my brief trip to Taiwan! I've decided to split the trip into two posts, so that you can decide whether to dedicate a day or two to the capital of Taiwan. In this first posts I'll show you the must-see places in a route that you can do in one day (although, obviously, everything is more enjoyable with calm).
Hola! Tenía muchas ganas de contaros mi breve escapada a Taiwan! Finalmente, he decidido dividir el viaje en dos posts, de forma que podáis decidir si dedicar una día o dos a la capital de Taiwan. En este primer posts os mostraré los imprescindibles para ver en un día (aunque, obviamente, todo se disfruta más viéndolo con calma).
I wentfor work, but I could enjoy two days on my own (with Natalia) to visit the city. Before this trip, I didn't know much about this country, that is really worth discovering. The island of Taiwan, also known in the past as Formosa (from Portuguese Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Island"), is an independent state with a complex legal and diplomatic situation, partially recognized as the Republic of China or Taiwan. The island has been ruled by various nations (China, Holland, Japan, Portugal, etc.) which undoubtedly has helped building its open and extremely sociable Taiwanese character. You could describe it as a friendly China with ta Japanese touch of madness and consumerist paradise.
I wentfor work, but I could enjoy two days on my own (with Natalia) to visit the city. Before this trip, I didn't know much about this country, that is really worth discovering. The island of Taiwan, also known in the past as Formosa (from Portuguese Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Island"), is an independent state with a complex legal and diplomatic situation, partially recognized as the Republic of China or Taiwan. The island has been ruled by various nations (China, Holland, Japan, Portugal, etc.) which undoubtedly has helped building its open and extremely sociable Taiwanese character. You could describe it as a friendly China with ta Japanese touch of madness and consumerist paradise.
Mi viaje fue por motivos de trabajo y pude aprovechar para disfrutar dos días por mi cuenta (junto con Natalia) de esta ciudad. Hasta semanas antes de mi viaje, no sabía mucho de este país, y la verdad es que realmente merece la pena descubrirlo. La isla de Taiwán también conocida en el pasado como Formosa (del portugués Ilha Formosa, «Isla Hermosa»), es un Estado independiente con una compleja situación jurídica y diplomática, parcialmente reconocido como República de China o Taiwán. La isla ha sido gobernada por diversas naciones (China, Holanda, Japón, Portugal, etc.) lo que sin duda ha ayudado a forjar ese carácter abierto y extremadamente sociable de los taiwaneses. Sería algo así como una pequeña China pero simpática y con el toque de locura japonesa en cuanto a gadgets y paraíso consumista.
The perfect route would be:
1. Visiting Longshan Temple in the morning. This temple is considered emblema of Taiwanese classical architecture, with influences from southern China. The temple is nice but what really caught my attention was the strange set of mirrored buildings that surround the temple and the artificial waterfall!... Unique! [Tube: Longshan Temple]
La ruta ideal sería:
1. Visitar por la mañana el templo de Longshan, considerado un ejemplo emblemático de la arquitectura clásica taiwanesa, con influencias del sur de China. El templo es bonito pero lo que realmente más me llamó la atención fue el extraño conjunto de edificios espejados que rodean el templo y la cascada artificial... Único! [metro: Longshan Temple]
The perfect route would be:
1. Visiting Longshan Temple in the morning. This temple is considered emblema of Taiwanese classical architecture, with influences from southern China. The temple is nice but what really caught my attention was the strange set of mirrored buildings that surround the temple and the artificial waterfall!... Unique! [Tube: Longshan Temple]
La ruta ideal sería:
1. Visitar por la mañana el templo de Longshan, considerado un ejemplo emblemático de la arquitectura clásica taiwanesa, con influencias del sur de China. El templo es bonito pero lo que realmente más me llamó la atención fue el extraño conjunto de edificios espejados que rodean el templo y la cascada artificial... Único! [metro: Longshan Temple]
2. From here you can walk to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (about 30'). The building is all white, with four sides and a blue octagonal roof. The octagonal shape reflects the symbolism of the number 8, which is traditionally associated in Asia with abundance and good fortune. There are 89 steps leading to the main entrance, to represent the age of Chiang at the time of his death.

3. In the afternoon, you can go to the Elephant Mountain, from where you can admire a unique view of the city and its famous Taipei 101 Tower, emblem of the city. [Tube: Elephant Mountain]. The journey to the different viewpoints is well indicated. It takes half an hour to climb and it's worth doing at sunset to see then also the city illuminated at night.
3. Por la tarde, puedes ir a la Montaña del Elefante, desde donde podrás admirar unas vistas únicas de la ciudad y de su famosa torre Taipei 101, emblema de la ciudad. [metro: Elephant Mountain]. El recorrido hacia los distintos miradores está muy bien indicado. Se tarda una media hora en subir y merece la pena hacerlo al atardecer para verlo luego también de noche iluminado.
4. Finally, it is essential to visit a night market. We went to several but, undoubtedly, our favorite one and the one recommended by local friends, was the Shilin Market. [Tube: Jiantan]. Here you will find typical food, clothing, souvenirs and thousands of phone cases!
4. Por último, es imprescindible una visita a un Mercado Nocturno. Nosotras fuimos a varios pero, sin duda, el que más nos gustó y nos recomendarón amigos locales, fue el Shilin Market. [metro: JianTan]. Aquí encontrarás comida típica, ropa, souvenirs y miles de fundas para móvil!
In the next posts I will show you more things to do if you have an extra day in the city. Our accommodation was Longshan Inn Hostel. Air conditioning, private bathroom, fast wifi and very good location. Strongly recommended.
En el próximo posts os mostraré más cosas para hacer si tenéis un día más en la ciudad. Nuestro alojamiento fue el Hostel Longshan Inn. Habitaciones con aire acondicionado, baño propio, wifi super rápido y muy buena situación. Totalmente recomendable.
Enjoy the weekend!
Disfrutad del finde!
- end of the Obsession -
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